To fight the big fish – Mikael frödin

To fight the big fish - Mikael frödin We all want that big fish, the great fight to dream and brag about, the broad silvery side that will keep us going thru the winter. When it all happens, the line tightens up and we realize there is a really big salmon on the end of our line we all need that some extra tips. - Its all about the experience, several thousands of salmon with 20 over 40 lbs is respect! Follow Mikael Frödin on some hardcore salmon fights and let him share his experience...

Av |2014-09-26T08:39:50+00:00september 26th, 2014|Övriga inlägg|0 kommentarer

Low water tactics by Mikael Frödin

All salmon anglers are living the dream of perfect conditions. Good flow for fresh fish to run and for our flies to swim the right way. These days , these very very few days salmon fishing is easy. In reality we, one way or another always fight against -- "tricky conditions"! Few of us like low water. The fishing tactics change. Full control and an active strategy get even more important. On the low water river the experienced fishermen outfish the novice by far -- it's now all the secret tricks really pays off! The fish are there but are you man enough to catch them? Follow Mikael Frödin on a low water day on his favourite big fish river -- The Litza in Russia.

Av |2014-01-15T22:53:27+00:00januari 15th, 2014|Övriga inlägg|0 kommentarer
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